• Phone:+44 (0) 1452 347332
  • Email:info@midas-training.org.uk

A1 MiDAS Minibus Training from UKGRS

Terms & Conditions of Sale

In order to maintain our competitive pricing and excellent service, our accounting terms require credit accounts to be settle by the indicated due date. Your account manager can confirm your account terms for you and we do reserve the right to suspend services if accounts are beyond our terms.

We would request that all our customers respect our terms and conditions and our desire to deliver quality services and pay on time.



Payment terms are 14 days after invoice date. After 30 days we reserve the right to make late payment charges in line with The Late Commercial Payments Act.


All prices quoted in correspondence are exclusive of VAT, where applicable.


Unless agreed by prior arrangement or contract, invoices are raised automatically on booking to be due for payment within 14 days.  UKGRS will apply a late payment fee for any invoices that are not paid by the due date.

Where prior arrangement or a variation in contract exists payments will fall due where indicated in any issued quote or invoice.

Where a requirement exists to establish bespoke administration suite or backend aspects to our online assessment and training programmes, invoices will be raised and payment required to be made up front for these aspects.


Practical on-road & in-class training/assessment programmes:

  • Cancelled between 0-7 days of start date will be charged in full.

  • Cancelled between 8-14 days of start date will be charged at 50% of the invoiced amount.


Online assessment, training & driver risk management programmes (Including licence check credits):

  • Once instructions/log in information or any back of house development has commenced payment is required in full, even if cancelled prior to implementation.


All cancellations must be in writing to support@ukgrs.com and are valid from the date/time of acknowledgement by UKGRS.



We reserve the right to impose a £50 administration fee if a date change is required for any booking without 14 days written notice.

Date changes between 0-7 days of start date are not possible and will be charged in full.


UKGRS will need to share data with third parities in order to deliver our online driver training programmes.  Full details of our privacy policy can be found




Ref: T&Cs/20/04/2023

MIDAS Driver Training, Southwest England, Northern Ireland, ISO 9001, UK Road Safety Ltd