MiDAS PATs Training

- Is designed for anyone or organisation who has care or supervision of passengers travelling by road - in cars, taxis, minicabs or large buses
- Is relevant to volunteers as well as paid employed staff
- Covers legal, practical and safety issues - a comprehensive training package
- Aims to improve passenger safety by providing the necessary skills and information for passenger assistants to understand and meet the needs of their passengers
PATS: Become a MiDAS Member
- Access to PATs training is gained by your organisation becoming a PATs member
- Membership is open to a variety of organisations including schools, voluntary organisations, healthcare providers, commercial transport companies, community transport operators and council departments
- PATS training is divided into different sections, called modules. These relate to different aspects of the work which passenger assistants usually do - some work only with children, others with adults who have disabilities, and so on
- Before they are trained passenger assistants must have their training needs assessed, taking into account any training they have already had and the needs of the passengers they work with
- Written material is available to support all training courses. PATS has also produced a Passenger Assistant's Handbook, which can be ordered
- As a PATs member your organisation must accept the certificates of passenger assistants who were trained by other PATs members as evidence of the training they have already received
PATS Training - the Training Modules
These are the PATs modules:
- Module A: The Role of the Passenger Assistant
This is the 'foundation' module because it is a starting point for further training. It covers the role and responsibilities of a passenger assistant, including legal, practical and safety issues
- Module B1 & B2: Assisting Passengers with Disabilities
This module includes boarding and alighting from vehicles, guiding & steadying, & safety information concerning wheelchair users. It is very similar to the relevant part of MiDAS - the training available to minibus drivers
- Module C1: Supervising Children and Young People with Special Needs
This includes supervising children and young people with learning difficulties, autism, physical disabilities, sensory restrictions and emotional or behavioural difficulties
- Module C2: Working with Adults Who Require Care and Supervision
This includes adult passengers with learning difficulties, dementia, physical disabilities, sensory restrictions and people in mental or emotional distress
These modules are all designed to be delivered by a Passenger Assistant Trainer.
There are also three other 'specialist' PATs modules: Because of their specialised nature these modules cannot be delivered by your Passenger Assistant Trainer. They will be available through specialist training providers:
- Module D: Emergency Aid
- Module E: Manual Handling
- Module F: Safely Managing Challenging Behaviour
If you would like to discuss this aspect of MiDAS Training further or have questions concerning either MiDAS training in general or PAT training please telephone our office.
Tel: 01452 347332 for more information.